My daughter made this Kotel pop-up card in her art class this year for Yom Yerushalayim. She agreed to share it here. In the scheme of pop-up cards, it is not all that complicated a pop-up card to make. This is basically a tab style pop-up card. You can see how to make these types of pop up cards in this WikiHow post.
A Little Kit?
She is considering putting together a little “kit” for her friends to make one too. If she does, and she lets me, I will share it here. I am thinking of adding or getting her to add some female figures to the kit. In the meantime, you can use use our Hannukah card element children to make your own Kotel pop-up card. If you do, please show us what you’ve made!
This could be a cute project for a Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebration or Yom Yerushalayim celebration. You could use our Kotel cupcake wrappers and Kotel Bencher covers to supplement the theme. We have had several bencher orders with kotel cover themes where the bnai mitzvah was celebrating at the kotel. Pop-up cards can be a nice tie in activity, including a journaling activity to remember what had meaning on the trip.
[…] Bar Kamtza puppets to expand the theme. Another craft that is appropriate for Yom Yerushalayim is a Kotel popup card. Note we also have kotel designs for Bnei Akiva bencher covers and digital cupcake […]
[…] still fun to see. My kids like making pop up cards now as well. I have shared my daughter’s Kotel pop up card and Yom Haatzmaut cards in the […]