I have heard about urban bee keeping but never knew that much about it. So when I heard about an opening event in honor of Propolis, the center for urban bee keeping, I figured that not only would my kids enjoy going, but it would be a unique opportunity to learn more about the subject. The center is one of the projects organized by the non-pro ...
Apple Butter Muffins for Rosh Hashanah
These apple butter muffins came about in the following way. I was working on the Birkat Chaverim pinterest boards. Lately we have had a large growth of followers on Pinterest and I like to see what followers are interested in. One of our fans had pinned an apple butter pin. Apple butter was new to me, but it sounded like something my kids would like (th ...
Rosh Hashanah Cards made with Kids
I stumbled over some old Rosh Hashanah cards we made a number of years ago. These were made during a mini summer camp we organized at our house, of neighborhood kids. The Rosh Hashanah Cards are based on a cute umbrella card project by Ikat Bag which we had pinned to our pinterest boards. The original rain umbrella card was really cute and works well, w ...
Welcome the new year cupcake wrapper special
Elul is here again. In honor of the high holidays we will be running a small promotion, a new year cupcake wrapper special. THIS OFFER IS CLOSED The offer We are offering a free digital cupcake wrapper & topper with any order of the Bnei Akiva Birkon. The offer is good for any of the cupcake wrappers in the collection, including Rosh Hashanah ...
New Year Special
For a limited time we are offering a free digital cupcake wrapper & topper with an order of the Bnei Akiva Birkon. To receive this offer, order birkonim before Rosh Hashana and let us know the wrapper you would like in the order notes. You can look at the cupcake wrappers and the benchers in the shop. Not interested in cupcake wrapper ...
Dollhouse apples
Over the summer we worked on dollhouse apples. That is dollhouse sized apples using fimo clay. What We Did We used "panda" oil pastels to color the outsides of the apples for more realistic tones since apples are never only one shade. The half apple was made by first wrapping white fimo in green fimo. We then made sure that the combined fimo was shape ...
Holiday I Spy
Around Rosh Hashana my son and I made Holiday I Spy layouts. This is one of them. It may be of use pre-Pesach.
New cupcake wrappers and matching bencher cover
We have two new designs for Rosh Hashana both for use on the Bnei Akiva bencher and as part of our line of cupcake wrappers and toppers. Its a repeat pattern of apples, bees and honey. To purchase these or to view any of the other wrappers, check out the gift section of the Birkat Chaverim store.
Sweet Year Homemade Beeswax Lip Balm
This was an experiment with my kids to see how well a project would go over with two year olds and because I thought they would enjoy it. I wanted make homemade beeswax lip balm with my kids in a safe way. This was an experiment to see whether we could melt the beeswax without mixing the wax over a fire. Lip balm is not a bad project to do with a t ...
Two science experiments for Rosh Hashanah
These came about by accident but were fun and take about five minutes. 1. Honey paste After reading that honey and cinnamon paste are good for coughing and laryngitis, we made a simple paste completely by experimenting on quantities. Then we tasted it. Its sort of like a mild hot tamale candy and is also good on bread and as a tea. I can't tell yo ...