CD case Omer calendar

cd case omer calendar via birkat chaverimDo you remember the omer calender template I posted a while back? My daughter’s birthday is around Passover so for the little inexpensive prize that kids give out in gan, this year I decided to give omer calendars. It served a two-fold purpose.

1. We have lots and lots of cd cases because we used to use alot of cds. Today we don’t need them as much but I can’t throw anything out so it has to be put to a good use.

2. I wanted to give the children something education and that they could use.

I did a few changes to the template including switching direction for Hebrew speakers, and added some custom stickers for days like Yom Haatzmaut, Hashoa, Zikaron, Yerushalayim, Pesach Sheni and Lag Baomer as well as colorful stickers. I also added the text, in Hebrew, “My Omer Calendar.”

I put an extra one together to show the teacher so that the children would know they could use the cd case as a stand. I’m still not sure they all got that.

It was quite an effort to put the 30+ calendars together (see that stack below? )but my daughter was very happy, I got good feedback from moms in the gan that their children really liked it, and that they did too.CDcase omer2


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