salt letter tracing for parshat hashavua

Salt projects

I never did post these pictures but we did some salt play for Parshat Vaaera. Letter tracing in salt (in a broken lunch container). Also used to play with toy animals. Gluing salt to paper. We actually colored this with a dropper and food coloring but the child making the project was more interested in seeing what would happen if he scrunched ...

Shabbat Silver Experiment

Shabbat Silver Experiment

 We like to do science experiments related to holidays and such. Here's a Shabbat silver experiment using simple electroplating. This is a basic chemistry experiment we do every once and a while for Shabbat (and holiday) preparations. Usually we do it when we notice that the silver we use every week for saying Kiddush and lighting the Sabbath candles do ...

lentils parsha projects via birkat chaverim

Lentils parsha projects

  This week's parsha tie ins were a big hit with my 2.5 year old and I thought I'd share. The picture is of his favorite one, which was sorting lentils. I gave him a spice container, funnel, and three types of lentils and let him layer them however he wanted. He was super excited about it and said, "this is a pretty project, Ima!" He could have ...

the irena sendler project: Impacting the Community a guest post by laurie rappaport for character counts week. A project by students that helped spread Irena Sender's heroic work in the Warsaw ghetto and created an exhibit and project about her. Via Birkat Chaverim.

The Irena Sendler Project: Impacting the Community

In honor of Character Counts Week, here is a guest post by Laurie Rappeport about the Irena Sendler Project that both is an example of the piller of citizenship as well as an example of the type of project bnai mitzvah could do. In the Jewish World celebrating Bar Mitzvahs and Bat Mitzvahs often involves encouraging a young person to accept a new res ...

Kamtza and Bar Kamtza or Kamsa and Bar Kamsa puppet template via birkat chaverim

Kamtza and Bar Kamtza Puppets

This is version one of a free template to make Kamtza and Bar Kamtza puppets. Children can color them, cut them out and attach them to popsicle sticks. There is a small script, a version of the story if you will, on the template page. You are welcome to use this with small children. However, it is in no way intended as a definitive telling of the story. ...