Micky Mouse mishloach manot for Purim via Birkat Chaverim ear pigtails and gloves container

Disney Mishloach Manot

As Purim is getting closer thought I'd share what we did last year. Last year we dressed up like Disney characters and did a Disney Mishloach Manot tie in. I generally like Mishloach Manot that are light and that cost less than what we would spend on Matanot L'Aevyonim (the mitzvah of a gift to the poor for making a Purim meal.) Also something that the ...

Moshe and staff challah rolls

Moshe Rolls

I know this may look like a ginger bread man and candy cane to some of you but in our home this is Moshe and staff and sometimes Achashverosh, Mordechai, Haman and even Esther (although the last three without the rod.) We like to make rolls for school and rolls for children to say hamotzei and sometimes we make them in different shapes. I will admit ...