A Quiet Megilla Bingo Game

This quiet Megilla bingo game is for children who find Megilla reading a little too long, despite all the fun in making noise when hearing the name, Haman. I usually bring Purim related stickers and games to our local synagogue. Smaller children can use them during the megilla reading so that they do not disturb everyone else. Clearly disturbing others praying is not something that should happen all year round. Given the rules about hearing every word of the reading, it is particularly important during Megilla reading.

Megilla Bingo Game Origin

This past year, I became a member of our synagogue children’s committee. I figured it was a good reason to come up with another quiet game for Megilla reading and therefore created this Bingo game:

Purim Megilla Bingo Game with illustrations of Achashverosh, Mordechai, Esther, Haman, Bigtan and Teresh, a horse, the number 127, and ten sons of Haman copyright Birkat Chaverim.

Note that its called a Megilla find rather than Megilla Bingo game. Feel free to download it for your own friends and families. Please do let us know if you used it and how it helped.

Purim Game Origin

You may have noticed that the Bingo game looks an awful lot like our Purim wrapper collection. It does add a few extra characters- Bigtan and Teresh, the ten sons of Haman, a horse and the number 127. But clearly it is based on the Purim collection. You can still order wrappers from the shop. These include Purim Character Cupcake Toppers and Chocolate Wrappers, Mini Purim Character Cupcake Wrappers, and Our Original Purim Character Cupcake Wrappers.

mini Purim cupcake wrappers via Birkat Chaverim
A Quiet Megillah bingo game based on our purim wrapper collection birkatchaverim.com On backdrop of Purim characters from the bingo and from the Purim wrapper collection. In image also a grass head from an old stocking.

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