Chodesh Tov! Adar is here. Purim is almost here. This year we’ve added our cupcake pop toppers and chocolate wrappers to our Purim collection in the Birkat Chaverim store.
This means that our Purim collection now includes:
- Purim Character Cupcake Toppers and Chocolate Wrappers
- Mini Purim Character Cupcake Wrappers
- Our Original Purim Character Cupcake Wrappers and Toppers
- Our Original Purim Character Cupcake Wrappers
- Hammentashen design Purim cupcake wrappers and toppers
You can order any of them from the links above.
We are excited about the different ways that they can be used. In fact, this week, my daughter used some wrappers with a first grader who she is working with in a program in her school, to design a mishloach manot based on a story they read together.
Here are some ways we’ve used them:
To wrap little goodies in small cups.
To decorate truffles.
All of these Purim wrappers and toppers are digital files available for download from our shop as part of our digital cupcake wrapper collection. We have cupcake wrappers for other holidays and family events as well.
Do you have an idea for wrappers?
We are really pleased how popular these are and are always looking for new ideas. Last year we added relationship cupcake wrappers because of an interaction from someone so we are always interested in suggestions.
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