cucumber menorah from birkat chaverim

Cucumber Menorah

On the first day of Hanukkah, due to a virus, we split up and I stayed with one ill child and my spouse took another child to be with family. I sent the camera and said "Come back with pictures of the origami dreidels!" About half an hour later I got a phone call: Spouse:"What did you want me to photograph?" Me: "The origami dreidels." Spouse ( ...

origami dreidels

Origami Dreidels for Hanukkah

Aren't these origami dreidels neat? I did not make these origami dreidels. My brother in law picked them up at shul/synagogue. As far as I understood the story, there is a teacher/rebbe in the neighborhood, whose students were fooling around with origami in class. He said they could only do so if they could figure out how to make an origami dreidel/sevi ...

Menorah cases

If you walked around the streets of Jerusalem (or other Israeli cities) on Hanuukah you would likely see candles in cute little glass boxes: These boxes keep the candles from going out when they are lit outside and exposed to inclement weather. I have been thinking about ways of making these as a project or about things that could be used instead. ...

Parshat Noach animal sugar cubes

Fun Noach Dessert

Noach seems to get alot of food play on this blog. Here's a picture reminder: These were sugar cubes. We've lately made chocolates using these same molds. Thought I'd pass along Themed Thinking's take on rainbow cupcakes. So simple and pretty. Noach is rather popular as a decorative element for kids. I always wondered about that as the story se ...

Sukkot hanging apple

Sukkah hanging

A very simple sukkah hanging project. 1. Cut strips of paper, plastic the same width and length. Rectangular shapes. 2. Punch holes on either side. 3. Put brass fasteners inside the hole and open the brass fasteners. 4. Sort of twirl the papers around so they create a sphere. 3. Attach whatever you'd like as a a leaf and as a hanger and you are ...