We made these a while ago but they are perfect for TU BShvat. My favorite is the Ben and Jerry's ice cream container (also my favorite to eat.) Needed: Succulent cuttings, some old containers, dirt and rocks Put rocks below the dirt to allow for draining. Assemble as desired. Put some rocks above and there you go. Succulents are very good at being ...
Travel Games to help during vacation season
As holiday/vacation season is coming and lots of families travel around this time I wanted to point out some of our travel ideas as well as a new one: Bubble Wrap Scavenger Hunt I came across this via Savima Other ideas: Travel Games from various sources Matchbox building game Travel Board Games Food Travel Games And on another topi ...
Bath Salts for Lot
I was sure I posted about this 100 years ago but I couldn't find the post and I also can't seem to find a photo yet but a while back we made bath salts as a wedding gift. This is a great gift item to make with kids as its really simple to do. I thought of it this week as its a good tie in to the Parsha (Lot's wife.) I will try to update with a photo whe ...
Ikea Hack- child’s refrigerator
One of the reasons I've been a bit slow to post around here (besides baby and work) is that we are still catching up and unpacking from moving over the summer. I thought I would share this little child's refrigerator that we made because its: 1. Fun 2. Useful for storing kids toys 3. A recycling project 4. A project that can be done with 4 y ...
Cool Recycled Sukkah
We went to Beit Avi Chai for their sukkah happening and they have a cool sukkah up where the walls are made of recycled bags. Thought I would share- I'm thinking about doing this next year :) The model sukkah exhibit had a number of interesting sukkah's, including several which touched on the social protests (I have been waiting for people to start t ...
Apple Garland for Rosh Hashanah
I came across this a while back and thought it would be a nice project for Rosh Hashanah. Click to get to a pretty apple garland from Roots and Wings blog.
This sock books seemed meant for me
The other day I walked into my sib's house and saw this book on the couch. I said something along the lines of "how did you find something so perfect?" Why? because everyone in the family knows how we make things out of socks and the projects in Socks Appeal: 15 Fun & Funky Friends Sewn from Socks by Brenna Moloney are really great! and she's pretty ...
Some Rosh Hashanah Crafts
I found a list I made a while back of ideas for Rosh Hashanah. It goes something like this: Make apples out of marzipan, cupcakes that look like apples, pomegranate syrup, photo of bees (not sure why this is on the list. Any suggestions besides the honey connection?), Make honey comb using bubble wrap (I'm sure I saw this somewhere- maybe savyima?) ...
Recycled Greenhouse from plastic bottles
I had to share this since I love the idea and sometimes we talk about recycling projects. This is a greenhouse made out of recycled plastic bottles. How cool and simple is that? This photo was taken by Eljay (Lucy Downey) and posted on flickr with a creative commons license. This is a great community or school project and I imagine for those who a ...
I forgot one! One more travel id idea
I have not made these yet but it could be fun to do with your child- a travel safety bracelet using beads with numbers on them to create your phone number. Either buy number beads or take larger wood beads and write/paint/glue numbers on. Let me know if you do this!