Maoz Tzur Hanukkah Bnei Akiva Birkon Addition

Bencher and Hanukkah

    We had some good feedback from a Hanukkah Bat Mitzvah (Mazal Tov L.H.!) which used the Bnei Akiva bencher with an extra feature. The Bnei Akiva bencher doesn't include Hanukkah texts ordinarily, so for this bat mitzvah, which included lighting the Hanukkah candles as part of the celebration, we added the blessings and Maoz Tzur to th ...

Update about the Bencher

I made a small change to how the Bnei Akiva benchers are listed on the website. Up until now the store had an additional option in the order options to order a "Custom Order." Our intention there was that if someone did not want to use some of the existing designated designs or provide their own artwork, they could choose a custom designed logo option f ...

Lots of sample designs for the Bnei Akiva Bencher

Reminder Birkon cover styles

Now that wedding season is approaching, I wanted to take the opportunity to remind readers who may be interested in purchasing the Bnei Akiva birkon for a family celebration, that there are lots of cover designs available to choose from. These can be freely used on your Bnei Akiva bencher cover with your personal information. There are options for color ...

Promoting the Bencher- Galil Fundraising

This post is intended as a resource for people who are interested in promoting the Bnei Akiva bencher project. The Bnei Akiva Bencher project is a way for local Bnei Akiva Glilim to fundraise when their members have smachot. I am including links in this post to some materials that will be useful towards this purpose. Feel free to be in touch if you need ...