Captain Underpants Writes Back

We wrote to Captain Underpants and this is what we got back via birkat chaverimI mentioned a while back that my daughter wrote to Captain Underpants. Although she is just learning how to read, she had seen one of these books at a relative’s home and was sort of facinated by them. I still am not sure how much I like these books (especially since I still need to read them to her), but they are definitely good for encouraging reading and writing. Things I don’t like about the books, we are always able to discuss while we are reading them.

In the back of each book is a “We’re sorry!” page where the two protaganists tell the young reader that if they were forced to do X, Y, or Z due to the story, then they should write a letter with that fact to a particular address. Last summer, my daughter was so intrigued by the stories that she was happy to write a letter (with a little help).

It took a long long time, but eventually she received a flat envelope from “Captain Underpants” which was a newsletter with games and small story. Alot of it she’ll enjoy more when she is a more fluent reader, but she really liked getting the mail and reading the story. It does mean she does sometimes come up with ideas of who to write to to tell them she likes what they do or to write to family and friends.

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