Courtesy A. Harris Comic Strip Hero

Addendum to A View from the American Guild of Judaic Art’s Mentor Program

This is an addendum to  A View from the American Guild of Judaic Art’s Mentor Program,  Flora Rosefsky's post about mentoring in the American Guild of Judaic Art program. For background, the  American Guild of Judaic Art's started a Judaic Visual Arts On-Line Mentoring Program. The program is open to students in grades 7-12. Flora Rosefsky spoke about m ...


Blue and White Cornettos

I teach Judaism and Israel-related subjects online. I have been involved in the Irena Sendler project for the past year and teach about it in my online Hebrew school classes.

Sendler was a non-Jewish Polish woman who saved 2500 children from the Warsaw ghetto. One of the most amazing aspects of her story is the fact that her activities were almost forgotten, and would never have been publicized if not for a group of (non-Jewish) Kansas schoolgirls who heard a rumor about her activities and, as part of a school project, investigated. Their research led to a renewed interest in Sendler’s story and wide recognition including a website, a book and a performance.

I’d love to write a guest blogpost about the Irena Sendler project for Birkat Chaverim.

Ms Frizzle inspired ten plague activity

Ms Frizzle inspired Plague activity

We have a crazy addiction to the Magic School Bus books around here. Besides having our own, we have taken out every small fry one in the local library and are working our way through the chapter books. In particular, we seem to migrate towards the books about microbes and the human body. I did this project with my almost three year old when we were ...

Pesach Resources Matzah Factory Visit

Have you seen Martha Stewarts visit to the Streit's Matzah factory? This is a fun view for children to get into the Passover season and start thinking about Passover. Chabad has a program where they come into day schools and make Matzah with the students. These matzahs are not actually kosher for Passover, however, the process is basically the process t ...

Micky Mouse mishloach manot for Purim via Birkat Chaverim ear pigtails and gloves container

Disney Mishloach Manot

As Purim is getting closer thought I'd share what we did last year. Last year we dressed up like Disney characters and did a Disney Mishloach Manot tie in. I generally like Mishloach Manot that are light and that cost less than what we would spend on Matanot L'Aevyonim (the mitzvah of a gift to the poor for making a Purim meal.) Also something that the ...