The Interrupting Cow or Nostalgia for Old Kids Jokes

This post is dedicated to my sophomore year college roomates and my daughter’s friend who reminded me of this joke. As we were on our way to gan this friend taught the Interrupting cow joke to my daughter. I told them, this joke was one of our favorite jokes in college. Try and explain college to children under 6 year old! What in the world is college? Why did you live there? Try and explain why this was a favorite joke in college! I’m not really sure, but it made us laugh.

Origin of the Graphic

I told the girls that many years ago I had made the joke into a picture or comic.  Because it had been such a part of our time together, I thought it might be fun to make this joke and another joke into a picture as a silly gift for the baby of one of the roommates. I don’t even think I ever gave it to her in the end. My memory of what I gave her in the end is pretty hazy. Oh well, it was made more than 12 years ago and I’m going to share it now.

The Interrupting Cow and Company

Cow knock knock joke and duck joke from birkatchaverim

This is not what I usually post but Purim is coming, Mishenichnas Adar Marbim BSimcha! Maybe someone will laugh at these jokes. I don’t actually know why we thought they were so funny. They are cute, but… What do you think? Maybe it was a you have to be there type of thing.

Also, I wonder how appropriate a bar is for 6 year olds (although Purim is coming up… and there will be more alcohol around.) Feel free to change the wording to “a place where you buy drinks” when you tell the joke.

Update: One of my former roommates suggests that the duck walked into a 7-11. I remember it as a bar but it can equally be a 7-11. Feel free to change it to 7-11 or your own local shop. I also noticed that the original has a spelling error. Maybe I’ll correct it one day but in the meantime you can use the interrupting cow as a find the spelling error assignment.

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