Various Masks for Purim

mask made out of foam and decoratedThis week in our chug/class we made masks. We decided to use foam for that and really they decided what they wanted to do, I just gave some suggestions. My glasses were used as a pattern for the eyes and nose. The shapes of the masks were pretty much determined by the girls.

handmade masks modeled by two class membersThese two masks are decorated with glitter glue, flowers, washi tape, and feathers. Note that one mask includes a “beard.”

Some other mask ideas that we could have done or you could do

A neat Youtube video on how to make paper mache lions mask using a milk jug as a base.

How to Make a Papier-Mache Mask

Another milk jug mask and animal nose masks using egg cartons

I also came across several books of basically already made masks like the link below but also some neat tribal animal masks.

My all time favorite are plaster bandages masks. My daughter’s gannenet actually made a seal mask this year with plaster bandages. I once made a unicorn.

On the That Artist Woman site there are all types of student projects and suggestions about making them. If I were doing it in school, I would probably want to teach about George Segal’s sculptures made of plaster bandages, his process and themes.

GEORGE SEGAL [excerpt]


Two cute bird masks

Bird mask one
and Big Bird (very cute)

And for something completely different- making movie masks. I watched this without sound so I have no idea if there is anything inappropriate in the audio of the video.

Monster Movie Masks Part I- Molding & Casting Latex Masks

See also: Mishloach Manot containers

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