Bookswap Update and Survey

Post Shiputzim Book Swap Update

The community book swap has been closed for the past month or so due to shiputzim/repair work in the stairwell which is its usual home. The Vaad Bayit has informed us that in order for the book swap to return to its location, it must have nicer bookshelves. Do you want this free community service to continue? We need your help to pay for new shelves. ...

Bookswap update

I just wanted to give everyone a heads up about new things at the bookswap, which I have previously posted about here. Thanks to a user, (Thanks L.F.!) we now have a new bookcase and a slew of new books. Pesach cleaning also seemed to result in a whole bunch of new books. The bookswap now has more than 500! books and magazines in English, Hebrew, German ...