This is useful tool for anyone learning to read/lain Torah, Haftorah & Megillah. Pocket Torah is a free mobile (iphone, ipod, ipad and android) and desktop application [update: there no longer seems to be a desktop application] that reads a pasuk/Torah verse selected, with appropriate cantilation/trop. It includes text and translation, audio, tikkun view (app), and commentary (app.)
To download Pocket Torah:
Apple Store (for iOS devices)
Google Play (for Android devices).
Additional Fun
This project has an additional feature which could be fun for young programmers at heart or as a family project. Many of the files from the project have been released under various open source and creative commons licenses. This could allow for creative learning projects.
Audio files (Creative Commons, Attribution Share Alike)
Audio file meta-data (Creative Commons, Attribution Share Alike)
Project Source code (GPL3 License)
Developed with support from the Jewish New Media Innovation Fund.
Have you used this? Have you done anything with the files?
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