Kamtza and Bar Kamtza or Kamsa and Bar Kamsa puppet template via birkat chaverim

Kamtza and Bar Kamtza Puppets

This is version one of a free template to make Kamtza and Bar Kamtza puppets. Children can color them, cut them out and attach them to popsicle sticks. There is a small script, a version of the story if you will, on the template page. You are welcome to use this with small children. However, it is in no way intended as a definitive telling of the story. ...

Bat Mitzvah girl at her bat mitzvah celebration at Melabev with a center participant. Photo courtesy Melabev read about the Bar and Bat Mitzvah program at birkat chaverim

Teaching the mitzva of “respecting the elderly”

We are happy to have gerontologist, Rakel Berenbaum, as part of our Mitzvot Unplugged series, writing about a creative program which both teaches the value of Chesed and of valuing our elders. "It is very fulfilling to give. When you give, you get something too." Meira, Bat Mitzvah program participant Melabev Beit Shemesh has created two unique pr ...


Teaching Jerusalem one footstep at a time

In honor of Yom Yerushalayim, Jerusalem day, and as part of the Mitzvot Unplugged series, we are pleased to welcome, Joanna from FunInJerusalem.com, a website that helps families explore Jerusalem and its environs. Take a walk down the small alleyways of the Old City of Jerusalem and you may be wondering how you can experience such an Old City in a m ...