Wouldn't these be great for Purim? These are producted by Oeuf and handmade in Bolivia and are fair trade crafts. You can read more about the masks and Oeuf's Bolivian project on their website. Thank you Sophie Demenge, from Oeuf for permission to use the image above. Other fun animal masks are these felt masks made by Elsie Marley. Image Copyrigh ...
From Purim to Pesach
Starting to switch gears from Purim... to Pesach!
Mishloach Manot Ideas
We should be making these, and we are in the middle but i thought i'd post these before Purim finishes inside and outside walled cities- We were inspired by this idea for edible crayons to make edible crayons and erasers as our two foods for mishloach manot. Our erasers are apricots but it would be easier to use hershey mini chocolates. Pretzels are ...
Fun costume ideas
In honor of upcoming Purim Katan, here are a few costume ideas. Rubics Cube Lego costume Group costume: Pac man and ghosts Bumblebee (my daughter has been asking to be a bee for Purim so maybe we'll do something like this) Small fry quick costume using pacifier Photo credit: Mecredis (creative commons v2)
Purim Sameach!
This is an old design that I used for Purim cards one year and also decorated wooden and metal boxes with. This has a Canadian influence, or rather Inuit design influence. I find it cheerful and simple. For those celebrating today or tomorrow Purim Sameach!
Various Masks for Purim
This week in our chug/class we made masks. We decided to use foam for that and really they decided what they wanted to do, I just gave some suggestions. My glasses were used as a pattern for the eyes and nose. The shapes of the masks were pretty much determined by the girls. These two masks are decorated with glitter glue, flowers, washi tape, and fe ...
Mishloach Manot containers
Adar means Purim and Purim means megilla, seuda, and mishloach manot. Mishloach Manot, of course, require containers to hold them in and that's what this post is about. Mishloach Manot containers. The hand made sort of course. The Container Expert Martha Stewart is queen of hand made containers. A few possible containers include Candy Cones a ...