Do you have a Shvat Simcha? There are many tie ins to Tu B’Shvat that you can do to make your simcha seasonal.
Here are a few ideas to inspire you for a Shvat Simcha:
Is your Shvat simcha a Bar or Bat Mitzvah?
How about learning how to learn how to make fruit floral arrangements or to cut vegetables into flowers? You could also make dried fruit trees, or candy and lucky bamboo floral arrangements.
For an upshern, you could also make simple grape and pretzel trees with halved grapes or individual vegetable floral cups, with celery, cucumbers, and baby tomatos.
Any of these projects could also be table decorations or a chesed project. They can be brought to a local old age home, to first responders, or to a shelter.
You could also do any number of flower projects. For instance, any of these flower barrettes. These also can be donated as a chesed project.
Birkat Chaverim has a number of bencher covers that would be great for a Shvat Simcha.
We have tree designs in Purple, Yellow, and Blue-Green.
We also have a new tree design for Tu BShvat:
What do you think? What other suggestions do you have for a Tu B’shvat simcha?
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