Shmitta Resources for Children

Some shmita resources for children via birkatchaverim.comThis is a short list of Shmitta resources for children. If you have any that you would like to add please comment below:

Resource list from Matal (Merkaz LTochen Limudim)

Shmita at Tora Land– This is in Hebrew but very cute, and some of the games are easy Hebrew. There are games and videos to learn about shmita.This is from the Machon HaTorah VHaretz, under the auspecies of R. Yaakov Ariel (chief rabbi Ramat Gan). Machon HaTorah VHaretz researches things related to Mitzvot Hatluyot BaAretz. My daughter is using a book from here for her shmita class in school, and both she and I enjoy it.

Rav Yosef Rimon’s Merkaz Halacha vHoraa has quite a number of good resources, including workbooks, games and general shmita resources. I just bought Rav Avraham and Batya Stav’s Illustrated Shmita book for kids (in Hebrew) for kindergarten aged kids and we are all enjoying it. The pictures are quite funky and fun.They have some resources in English on their site as well.

They will also be running a special seminar :The Shmita experience” in the US between March 9th-March 19th. This sounds very interesting and seems to be using videos, discussions and lectures to relay the shmitta experience. This includes things like interviews with farmers and consumers about the effect of shmitta on them, accounts from businessmen and economists, thought provoking discussion points. You can see more information in their online brochure.

I have a few ideas which I would like to add in another post.

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