Notes on Socks and T-shirts from the Doll Clothing Class

bear pants in progress

Notes on socks and t-shirts- material

Here are a few comments and suggestions for people who might be interested in running a doll clothing workshop using materials such as socks and t-shirts. These are based on things learnt in the course of our chug/class.


When cutting holes in socks or other materials, advise participants to make sure that the holes are smaller than the bear or doll arm or leg. If the holes are too large too much bear or doll will stick out  (think tails, sleeveless shirts or bathingsuits.)

Basic Instruction

Class participants tend to be enthusiastic but its important to stay on top of basic instruction such as how to sew.

Cutting bear shoes


When making a patterns, be sure to fold the paper first, and leave space for seam allowances. Be sure to explain seam allowances. Once the pattern is traced and pinned, make sure to reiterate about seam allowances and where to sew.

bear pants cutting out


We havent been reenforcing the holes in the sock outfits, but it probably would be a good idea for long term use. I have been mentioning this to students.
Dont forget tail holes in build a bear outfits!


Try not to rush on the cutting. The pieces tend not to come out the same size that way. This is particularly true for cutting with t-shirts.


Crochet and knitting has a large learning curve. You have to know that your group is willing to learn that skill. I was going to do crochet flowers, but an experiment with a simple daisy leads me to think that the time is not ripe. I would like to do cable and finger crochet designs. I thought perhaps finger crocheted scarves might work as well as felt baseball caps.


Try a variety of things, some students who don’t thrive with sewing do amazing things with other media such as drawing.Have a basic structure but allow for student creativity. It leads to new ideas.

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