To kick off the Mitzvot Unplugged Series, I wanted to share news about Web Yeshiva’s Kriyat HaTorah course. Online learning is still a creative way of teaching our children Jewish values. We have written about other online courses before with JConnect, and this course from Web Yeshiva is useful for preteens and teens.
Course: Kriyat HaTorah Technique – Online, Interactive Course from
My kids recently expressed interest in learning the cantillation marks (Ta’amei Ha’Mikra) and we have been discussing how they help us understand the psukim (verses). If they were older they would probably sign up to this class. This course is intended for advanced high school students who regularly read the Torah in school or shul minyanim, or students who serve as gabbaim. The idea behind the course is that how we read the words that are written in the Torah affects their meaning as words and sentences. Course instructor Corey Beinhaker, from Efrat, teaches important Torah reading halachot and helps improve technique and skills related to reading, pronunciation and cantillation.
From the course description:
The goal of the course is to provide the regular Ba’al Kore with the tools to help improve on his Torah reading skills, by elucidating the three following areas:
- Review the rules and interaction of the cantillations (Ta’amei HaMikra).
- Review the rules of proper grammatical pronunciation in the biblical text.
- Review the basic halachot governing and guiding the reader with regards to reading; obligations, conduct, how to handle various situations with regards to the reading.
Participants will receive one-on-one feedback from a master Ba’al Kore to improve precision and technique.
The course starts Sunday, May 29th at 11am (EDT) . To register visit the Web Yeshiva Kriyat Hatorah course page. The course should be archived when its finished.
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