Shavuot craft ideas

We have a number of projects on the Birkat Chaverim website that would be great for Shavuot. Shavuot craft ideas tend to focus around flowers and dairy projects as well as things that have to do with mount Sinai and the Torah. Below we have an assortment related to those topics.

Some flower ideas from previous posts:

Felt, nylon and paper flowers – Two ideas we made plus a link to another idea.

Dried fruit flowers – Edible flowers

Variety of flowers – These flowers are mostly for the hair.

Candy and Lucky Bamboo flower arrangement– Yet another edible flower arrangement, just not as healthy.

Nylon Flower arrangement

And for some non-flower projects

Mitzvah book

A Cloth Baby Book of Mitzvot. See more photos in the Post.

Cheese and Butter

And of course you need a Har Sinai Shavuot craft idea. The one below was designed by a girl in my class. My daughter also made very cute mountain puppets with paper, craft sticks and flower stickers to tell the Midrash about how Har Sinai was chosen as the spot for the giving of the Torah. This is a great project for a gan aged child.

You may also want to check out some of the omer calendar projects such as the scratch and win project or omer calendars using dice.

har sinai craft

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