What do you do when you want to thank all your teen’s teachers for their help and support along your child’s educational journey? Homemade first aid creams! This idea is courtesy of Noga Hullman from Upside Down Parenting who made these amazing first aid creams for her daughter’s teachers. We are sharing this today in honor of the end of the high school year here. Today is the first day of vacation for high school students in Israel.

Noga writes
Last year when Noga’s daughter finished high school, and due to commitments she had made, left the country before graduation, Noga decided to take charge of teacher thank you gifts for her.
“I decided this year not only to thank the homeroom teacher, but to thank all the amazing teachers who were “on her side” along the way, and from my point of view, acted as a “guiding mom.” In quite a few cases, I also appointed them, without their knowledge, as the responsible adult.

So how do you thank twenty important women without going bankrupt? I set aside an entire morning to prepare a first aid cream, make greeting cards from old flyers that I had found in one of the Jerusalem museums, and wrote each of my teachers a personal dedication. Starting from her first grade homeroom teacher (who taught all five of my daughters!) and concluding with the choir teacher. It’s rare for me to photograph a process from A to Z, but this time it’s really appropriate … from first grade – until the end.”

I love this idea as it is from the heart and something that older school age children can make on their own. I did not get Noga’s recipe but here is one that can be used:
In addition, our lip balm recipe has suggestions about how to heat up beeswax in a safer way with younger children.

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